Space info & features
As you may already know, UMAMMA is a unique space designed with great care. It incorporates several vintage elements, and the structure is over 500 years old. Finding and selecting furniture items took several months, and many components were custom-designed and produced using local materials.
If you appreciate this space, please treat it carefully and avoid waste. Our team, including myself, has put much effort into restoring and preserving this space, so we would be grateful if you could help us maintain it for future generations.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Sincerely, Giovanni.

home forniture

Parking is available in front of UMAMMA.
You can park in any area marked with blue stripes.
If the parking area is full, continue on Via Maioli and after 200 m on the left, there is a free parking space available (Parking at Pancole).

Network: UMAMMA
Password: unexpected
BOSE bluetooth
The Bluetooth connection network is
To connect, press the Bluetooth icon on the Bose speaker and
activate the UMAMMA connection in the Bluetooth settings of your smartphone.
Pool Trapdoor
To access the hidden pool entrance, press button (1).
Press button (2) to close.

To dispose of organic waste, such as leftover food, you can simply throw them into the sink. Then, run the tap water and operate the waste disposal button, which is usually located to the right of the sink (1).
Please note that you should never put your hands in the sink drain, as it can be dangerous.

Recycling collection
Under the washbasin are 2 containers for separate waste collection.
Plastic + glass (1), Paper (2).
For organic waste you can use the rubbish disposer, mentioned above.

The induction hob is switched on by pressing on/off on the display (1).
Once switched on, you can choose which section to use by pressing among the 4 available ones (2).
Then choose the intensity by pressing the numbers 0 to 9 (3).

To operate the dishwasher, insert a detergent capsule in the detergent tray (1).
Press the AUTO button (2).
Press the START button (3).
Close the door.

Washing machine
The button to turn on the pool lighting can be found on the left side of the small tunnel that leads to the pool entrance (1).

The button to turn on the pool lighting can be found on the left side of the small tunnel that leads to the pool entrance (1).

Pool lights

The button to turn on the pool lighting can be found on the left side of the small tunnel that leads to the pool entrance (1).